Worship Night
And so as I met up with my cousin, we had a quick dinner at a nearby fastfood. The start was really great. They started with the song The Time Has Come followed by numerous worship songs and at the middle part we had prayers for healing. Then another set of heartfelt songs for Jesus. The night would not be complete, of course, without singing One Way. Cool. This is really one of my greatest worship ever. I almost had tears when we sung a slow song (I forgot the title) but here's a line: "what could i say, or what would i do but offer this heart, oh Lord, completely to you..." . I also saw some familiar faces on the screen and knew friends (UST, YFC and YOF) just around the coliseum. Was Donita Rose and Rica Peralejo also there? But anyways, the thing is I have sung my heart out, I have shouted my love fo Him. And it's like unloading heavy burdens after.
After the worship we were about to look for cds and souvenirs and so amidst the crowded hall we find our way to the souvenir booth. Just then I realized my phone was lost. I was texting while approaching the booth then suddenly after looking around for the cds and about to text somebody I can't find it on my hand or even my pocket. I don't know what happened but the whole thing of losing my phone was so fast. Coincidence that my friend lost his phone before the worship and me after the worship? I don't know, But whoever that group ( I believe their taking advantage of the large crowd) pick pocketing, may His will be done for them. And for us, may it be a learning experience and just think that it might mean something. Something that's maybe much worthy than the cellphone.
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