Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What You Want?



Got inspired by an episode of One Tree Hill about wanting and dreaming for something. I'm not really watching the series regularly (I didn't even know their names) but I kind of getting what the characters were trying to convey. The dramas of the people on their early twenties age- career, relationships, single parenthood, changes and whatever issues that came up.While I am listening to each and every characters' answer I myself thought of answering it but find it actually difficult.

Who am I? still blank.

What do I want? Well the last time I actually wrote down what I want (not just material wise) was in my senior year high school, it's actually an activity in our homeroom-thingie in which we have to like plot a timeline of our ages up to 30 (if i remember it right) and beside the age was to write down what you want to have or achieve on that particular bracket. Well most of them came true but when I hit 21 some things are a little bit impossible and some that are actually not listed which i thought were impossible at the time came true.There are a lot of changes. Although i'm still hanging or should i say holding on the possibilities. we don't know what fate has tolled on us. i believe it's a matter of faith and positivity. yes it's hard to go along with the waves of adversities coming from everywhere but we're all going to grave in the end so why not live life to what you want while you're alive. not unless you're a vampire and lives forever and wants to exist in eternal damnation as edward describes it in the book new moon. haha.

Now that I am hitting 22 in less than a month, I guess I have to do something much more with sense. Want for something much more mature. Even if I don't think I'm mature enough to handle anything mature? haha pointless. But still - I had this dream big thing in me - even if it crosses the line of impossibility I think. What's dreaming for if not dream the farthest -and its all free, oh man?! But remember even songs reminds us - "be careful what you wish for
cause you just might get it all" - cause sometimes before you knew it the things you care about the most is gone while on your way reaching for that ultimate want.

But if you really think hard, even the simplest could be the farthest thing you could want - such as happiness and contentment. simple yet hard to get. or is it just me? bacause I'm not claiming it, not choosing it. My wants are as clear as my thoughts are screaming it loud. Maybe it's true what they say - you don't get everything you want, just what you deserve.

Now ask yourself. Who are you? and What do you want?
your turn ^^.


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